What is Analytic Philosophy? Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

What is Analytic Philosophy? Book

In this wide-ranging textbook, Hans Johann Glock considers the pros and cons of various definitions of analytic philosophy, and tackles the methodological, historiographical and philosophical issues raised by such definitions. This is an invaluable guide for anyone seeking to understand analytic philosophy and how it is practised.Read More

from£52.00 | RRP: £47.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £103.88
  • Product Description

    Analytic philosophy is roughly a hundred years old, and it is now the dominant force within Western philosophy. Interest in its historical development is increasing, but there has hitherto been no sustained attempt to elucidate what it currently amounts to, and how it differs from so-called 'continental' philosophy. In this rich and wide-ranging book, Hans Johann Glock argues that analytic philosophy is a loose movement held together both by ties of influence and by various 'family resemblances'. He considers the pros and cons of various definitions of analytic philosophy, and tackles the methodological, historiographical and philosophical issues raised by such definitions. Finally, he explores the wider intellectual and cultural implications of the notorious divide between analytic and continental philosophy. His book is an invaluable guide for anyone seeking to understand analytic philosophy and how it is practised.

  • 0521872677
  • 9780521872676
  • Hans-Johann Glock
  • 3 April 2008
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 304
  • illustrated edition
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