What's Your Body Telling You?: Listening To Your Body's Signals to Stop Anxiety, Erase Self-Doubt and Achieve True Wellness Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

What's Your Body Telling You?: Listening To Your Body's Signals to Stop Anxiety, Erase Self-Doubt and Achieve True Wellness Book

Our bodies always let us know when we're unhappy, tense, uncomfortable, or unsure. But usually, we ignore these 'gut' instincts and do what our heads tell us to do. This book shows how to stop over-thinking - and start trusting our natural instincts.Read More

from£11.19 | RRP: £15.99
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  • Blackwell

    In this enlightening guide from therapist Sisgold, readers can discover ways to achieve WholeBody Consciousness--a broadened state of mind that helps individuals to see their fears and desires, then take appropriate steps toward genuine fulfillment.

  • ASDA

    A leading wellness speaker and therapist shows how to stop overriding your gut with your intellect and listen to what your body is telling you - to stop negative thought spirals think more clearly and make better decisions.

  • 0071624570
  • 9780071624572
  • Steve Sisgold
  • 1 July 2009
  • McGraw-Hill Contemporary
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 240
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