What the Traveller Saw Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

What the Traveller Saw Book

This outstanding collection of pieces, illustrated with his own superb photographs, is a unique record of Newby’s travels all over the globe – and a lasting tribute to lost and fading worlds.One of the funniest and most entertaining of all travel writers, Eric Newby has been wandering the by-ways of the world for over half a century.Admired for his exceptional powers of observation, Newby’s genius is also to capture the unexpected, the curious and the absurd on camera.Since his very first journey in 1938, Newby’s quest for the unknown and the unusual has been insatiable. Whether on a dangerous canoe trip down the Wakwayowkastic River, with the pastoral people in the mountainous north of Spain, or visiting the exotic archipelago of Fiji, nothing escapes his eye for unlikely or amusing detail.A rare combination of travel writing and photography, What the Traveller Saw is an exhilarating record of Newby’s humourous adventures over the years.Read More

from£10.99 | RRP: £8.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.00
  • 0007292031
  • 9780007292035
  • Eric Newby
  • 1 July 2008
  • Flamingo
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 256
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