Wide Open: A Life in Supercross Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Wide Open: A Life in Supercross Book

Jeremy McGrath has been called 'the Michael Jordan of Supercross' by the Los Angeles Times, and in this revealing autobiography fans not only get his personal story, but also a detailed guide on how everyone can become a Supercross racer. The No 1 Supercross racer in the world – who has over 20 sponsors, his own film company, a toy line, Nintendo and Playstation games, and a signature shoe by Vans – talks about his life and the sport. Supercross started out as a redneck '70s sideshow, but thanks largely to Jeremy McGrath it has become a massive extreme sport. Over the last three years, AMA Supercross attendance has mushroomed from 700,000 spectators a year to 1.5 million. This book will satisfy even the most hardcore fans, as it not only gives you the life and times of Jeremy McGrath, but acts as the calling card to the entire sport by including unique sections on how to become a Supercross racer, the workout regimes, fixing common bike problems, and more. Read More

from£12.99 | RRP: £8.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.18
  • 0060537280
  • 9780060537289
  • Jeremy McGrath
  • 1 January 2005
  • HarperCollins
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 320
  • Reprint
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