When Justine Duval comes face to face with her future self, she realises that if she wants to stop herself becoming Grown-Up-And-Past-It she needs to take some drastic action. And if she wants to ensure that she achieves her ambitions of becoming famous, rich and drop- dead gorgeous she had better start changing things NOW.... Chloe Rayban well and truly hits home in this sparkling, tongue-in-cheek novel taking the breathtakingly seductive yet ultimately vacuous youth scene in London and delving deep beneath its surface to find out what is really important. Justine, with her inevitable, instantly recognisable hang-ups so close to the surface that it hurts, is at once a dream and a nightmare as she embarks on an hilarious voyage of self-discovery. Smart, precocious and a wing-ding
… read more...of a story, Wild Child is a must for anyone who is or ever has been a teenager. (Ages 9 to 11 years) --Susan HarrisonRead More read less...