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Wildly Sophisticated: A Bold New Attitude for Career Success Book
With Wildly Sophisticated Nicole Williams, founder of Wildly Sophisticated Media Inc., takes both the brand and the message of her successful motivational speaking series and career networking events to the page. "Individually" writes Williams, "the word 'wildly' suggests risk, energy, boldness, vivacity, self-promotion, and fearlessness, while 'sophisticated' incorporates refinement, simplicity, commitment, elegance and respect. Put together, 'wildly' and 'sophisticated' become a way of being--an attitude with which to take on the world." In Williams's view, attitude is the single most significant contributor to career success, and embracing the Wildly Sophisticated stance is the key to surviving--and enjoying--the often rocky and confusing path to achievement. Although she does not say so explicitly, her target audience is the young (18-30), educated, less-experienced professional (or soon-to-be professional) who is enterprising and creative but needs inspiration and seasoned advice to refine her goals, face her fears, and take charge of her career trajectory. The information and guidance Williams offers will strike experienced career women as more practical than radical, but inspirational literature in general succeeds less on innovative ideas than its ability to speak to the needs of its readers. Here, Williams packs her narrative with "Career Confessions" quotes by Wildly Sophisticated individuals, such as Tom Hanks, and well-articulated strategies for overcoming blocks and getting the creative juices flowing. Covering topics from office affairs to pulling your look together to knowing when and how to ask for help, Williams doesn't shy away from frankly assessing her own mishaps in the workplace. Most genuine--and therefore most appealing--are her enthusiasm and her commitment to "inspire, support, and encourage the unthinkable in young working women." --Svenja Soldovieri, Amazon.caRead More
from£17.03 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.89
- 0399529470
- 9780399529474
- Nicole Williams
- 1 February 2004
- Perigee Books
- Paperback (Book)
- 240
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