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Withholding and Withdrawing Life Prolonging Medical Treatment: Guidance for Decision-making Book
This book is the authoritative statement from the BMA Medical Ethics Department on one of the most fundamental and contentious issues for health care professionals, of when to withhold or withdraw life-prolonging treatment. It is used by doctors and nurses throughout the United Kingdom who care for the dying, as well as lawyers and others in the health professions seeking guidance on this controversial issue. Use of summary boxes with key recommendations and discussions of real cases interspersed through the text will make the new edition even more practical and easy to use. Important new features for the third edition: - Inclusion of the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act, which comes into force in April 2007 - Guidance on the appointment of welfare attorneys to make health care decisions once capacity is lost. - The latest policy on advance directives - Update on the impact of the Human Rights Act on such decisions - Discussion of recent cases, including Burke, baby MB, and Wyatt This book is written by medical ethics professionals in consultation with the appropriate medical and legal experts and in agreement with the General Medical Council's guidelines. It is regarded as the most authoritative advice on this subject in the country. The new edition will bring the information fully up to date from both the legal and the ethical perspective. .Read More
from£15.52 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.09
Product Description
(BMJ Books) Pocket text addresses questions about patients, their families, and frequently the courts. Discusses adults with and without the capacity to make and communicate decisions, decisions involving babies, and what to do once a decision has been made. Previous edition: c1999. Softcover.
- 0727916157
- 9780727916150
- Veronica English
- 3 April 2001
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Paperback (Book)
- 94
- 2nd Revised edition
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