More than a manual on lesbian sex, Woman to Woman covers the issues particular to lesbian relationships and coveys the vibrancy and intimacy of lovemaking between women. So many questions are answered in Woman to Woman. More than a sex manual for lesbian woman, this book focuses on all facets of women's sexuality and provides an accessible and straightforward guide to enjoying the essence of lesbian sex and sexual self intimacy. Included is practical information on the physicalities of sex such as knowing your own body, sexual health, masturbation, orgasm and difficulties experienced with sex. The emotional aspects of sexual intimacy are also explored, dealing with issues of acknowledging your sexuality, relationships, coming out and making connections with other like-minded women or
… read groups. Factual information is complemented with personal stories and experiences of other lesbian women. There is also an extensive resource section and bibliography for more specific information. Most importantly, Woman to Woman is all about being a woman and learning to be comfortable with your own sexuality according to your own needs and situations.Read More read less...