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Worksheets for Classroom and Lab Practice Book
These Classroom Worksheets offer a convenient, ready-to-use format, with ample work space for students to show their work step-by-step. The Worksheets provide an effective way to check to see if students understand the skills and concepts of each section. Using the Worksheets also reinforce organized note taking with homework that helps students study. The worksheets are organized by Learning Objective and also highlight key Vocabulary Terms and Vocabulary Exercises. The Worksheets pages are perforated and punched so you can have students work the exercises in class, in a lab or at home, and you can collect and grade them for later use as a student study guide. Great also for use with MyMathLab!Read More
from£24.28 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0136152759
- 9780136152750
- Allen R. Angel
- 5 July 2007
- Pearson Education
- Paperback (Book)
- 408
- 1
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