Writing Together: How to Transform Your Writing in a Writing Group Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Writing Together: How to Transform Your Writing in a Writing Group Book

Writing may be a solitary art, but most writers still crave some sort of community. Thus the proliferation of the writing group, a source of camaraderie, encouragement, criticism, inspiration, and calorie-rich munchies. Unfortunately, many such well-intentioned writing groups disintegrate after a time, due to lack of attendance, squabbles, other commitments, or plain old inertia. In Writing Together, Dawn Denham Haines, Susan Newcomer, and Jacqueline Raphael--members of a writing group in Tucson, Arizona--offer lots of fine advice on how to form a group and keep it together. What separates their writing group from most others is that rather than solely critiquing finished pieces, the group emphasizes "generative writing" by writing together from a "prompt" (a word, group of read more...
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