The Yearbook provides the heritage management world with summaries of notable court cases, settlements and other dispositions, legislation, government regulations, policies and agency decisions that affect their work. Interviews with key figures, refereed research articles, think pieces, and a substantial resources section will round out each volume. Thoughtful analyses and useful information from leading practitioners in the diverse field of cultural property law will assist government land managers, state, tribal and museum officials, attorneys, anthropologists, archaeologists, public historians, and others to better preserve, protect and manage cultural property in domestic and international venues. The 2008 volume includes expanded practice-area sections: federal land management;
… read more...state and local; tribes, tribal lands, and Indian arts; marine environment; museums; art market; international; enforcement actions. It also will feature and interview with Paolo Ferri, the Italian prosecutor at the Marion True trial, and four featured articles on ownership of information in archaeological reports, historic preservation tax credits, the question of cultural identification of Native Americans under NAGPRA, and the winner of the LCCHP law school writing contest. All royalties are donated to the Lawyer?s Committee on Cultural Heritage Preservation.Read More read less...