Yotsuba&!: v. 1 (Yotsubato!) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Yotsuba&!: v. 1 (Yotsubato!) Book

Hello! This is Koiwai Yotsuba, Yotsuba Koiwai...um, YOTSUBA! Yotsuba moved with Daddy to a new house from our old house waaaaaaay over there! And moving's fun 'cos people wave! (Ohhhh!!) And Yotsuba met these nice people next door and made friends to play with (one of 'em acted like one of those bad strangers Daddy told Yotsuba not to go with, but it was okay in the end). I hope we get to play a lot. And eat ice cream! And-and-and...oh yeah! You should come play with Yotsuba too!Read More

from£9.75 | RRP: £7.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.70
  • Waterstones

    The story of the new kid in town: little Yotsuba, a green-haired and wide-eyed girl who doesn't have a clue...about anything. With no knowledge of the world around her, and an unnatural fear of air conditioners, Yotsuba has her new neighbors' heads s

  • Blackwell

    The curious and curiouser Yotsuba moves to a new town with her dad. In the process of moving in, Yotsuba encounters things like swingsets and broken door handles, which all bring about a never-ending torrent of questions and shrieks of amazement.

  • BookDepository

    Yotsuba&!, Vol. 1 : Paperback : Little, Brown & Company : 9780316073875 : 0316073873 : 15 Sep 2009 : Reads from right to left in the traditional Japanese manga format.

  • 0316073873
  • 9780316073875
  • Kiyohiko Azuma
  • 15 September 2009
  • Yen Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 208
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