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Young People, Sex and the Media: The Facts of Life? Book
Are children today growing up too soon? How do they - and their parents - feel about media portrayals of sex and personal relationships? Are the media a corrupting influence, or a potentially positive and useful resource for young people? Drawing on an extensive research project, which investigated children's interpretations of sexual content in films, TV and print media, this book considers how young people (ages 9-17) use such material to understand their experiences and build their identities; and how they and their parents respond to public concerns about these issues. The book offers a clearly-written and entertaining insight into children's and parents' perspectives on these difficult issues - perspectives that are often ignored or trivialized in public debate.Read More
from£86.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £17.29
- 1403918228
- 9781403918222
- Sara Bragg, David Buckingham
- 5 December 2003
- Palgrave Macmillan
- Hardcover (Book)
- 288
- illustrated edition
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