Your Coach (in a Book): Mastering the Trickiest Leadership, Business, and Career Challenges You Will Ever Face Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Your Coach (in a Book): Mastering the Trickiest Leadership, Business, and Career Challenges You Will Ever Face Book

Coaching has proven to be one of the most power and effective ways for leaders to develop and improve their performance. Yet working one-on-one with a coach is not always possible. If you want the experience of masterful coaching, Your Coach (In a Book) provides a time-efficient and affordable solution. Based on the authorsâ?? highly successful Masterful Coaching approach, Your Coach (In a Book) is designed to help you master your trickiest leadership, business, and career challenges. Throughout, master-level coaches Robert Hargrove and Michel Renaud engage the reader in a â??coaching conversationâ? about your most important goals, pivotal decisions, bothersome issues, and dilemmas. Your Coach (In A Book) simulates the experience of working with a personal coach. drawing on thousands of hours of coaching conversations. It gives you the insights you need to set aspirational goals, master the corporate chessboard, and create new openings for action where you are stuck or ineffective.Read More

from£17.75 | RRP: £19.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £19.48
  • 0470397845
  • 9780470397848
  • Robert Hargrove, Michel Renaud
  • 19 May 2008
  • Jossey Bass
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 272
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