Zen Koan Card Pack Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Zen Koan Card Pack Book

A koan is a "Zen phrase or question that can be used as an object of contemplation, leading the student to deep insight into life." Timothy Freke's Zen Koan Card Pack gives you a chance to dip your toes into this ancient philosophical pool. The beautifully decorated box set contains a small guide and 30 koan cards, whose phrases may strike you as ridiculous at first ("to find yourself is to lose yourself"), yet generate new discoveries as they are considered more carefully. You can look at the cards by themselves or consult Freke's accompanying guide for ways to consider the koans. The cards might just prove addictive, because the meaning of each koan changes with one's own experiences and when pursued in meditation.read more...
from£29.97 | RRP: £18.28
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £22.06
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