Charles P Gerba June 1969 Arizona State University Tempe Arizona B S Microbiology br January 1973 University of Miami Coral Gables Florida Ph D Microbiology

Showing 1 to 25 for Charles P Gerba June 1969 Arizona State University Tempe Arizona B S Microbiology br January 1973 University of Miami Coral Gables Florida Ph D Microbiology
  • Environmental Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual Environmental Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual by Ian L. Pepper - University of Birmingham B.Sc. in Chemistry 1970
    - Ohio State University M.S. in Soil Biochemistry 1972
    - Ohio State University Ph.D. in SOil Microbiology 1975 Professor
    ,Charles P. Gerba - June 1969: Arizona State University Tempe Arizona B.S. Microbiology
    - January 1973: University of Miami Coral Gables Florida Ph.D. Microbiology
    Academic Press Paperback 21 January 2005 from£32.99 | RRP: £30.99
  • Environmental Microbiology Environmental Microbiology by Raina M. Maier,Ian L. Pepper - University of Birmingham B.Sc. in Chemistry 1970
    - Ohio State University M.S. in Soil Biochemistry 1972
    - Ohio State University Ph.D. in SOil Microbiology 1975 Professor
    ,Charles P. Gerba - June 1969: Arizona State University Tempe Arizona B.S. Microbiology
    - January 1973: University of Miami Coral Gables Florida Ph.D. Microbiology
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  • Environmental and Pollution Science Environmental and Pollution Science by Ian L. Pepper - University of Birmingham B.Sc. in Chemistry 1970
    - Ohio State University M.S. in Soil Biochemistry 1972
    - Ohio State University Ph.D. in SOil Microbiology 1975 Professor
    ,Charles P. Gerba - June 1969: Arizona State University Tempe Arizona B.S. Microbiology
    - January 1973: University of Miami Coral Gables Florida Ph.D. Microbiology
    ,Mark L. Brusseau Professor
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  • Environmental Monitoring and Characterization Environmental Monitoring and Characterization by Janick Artiola,Ian L. Pepper - University of Birmingham B.Sc. in Chemistry 1970
    - Ohio State University M.S. in Soil Biochemistry 1972
    - Ohio State University Ph.D. in SOil Microbiology 1975 Professor
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  • Forest Ecosystems: Analysis at Multiple Scales Forest Ecosystems: Analysis at Multiple Scales by Richard H. Waring B.S. 1957 Forestry University of Minnesota St. Paul MN
    M.S. 1959 Forestry (Botany) University of Minnesota
    Ph.D. 1963 Botany (Soils) University of California Berkeley
    ,Steven W. Running
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    PhD University of Brsitol (England) 1977
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Showing 1 to 25 for Charles P Gerba June 1969 Arizona State University Tempe Arizona B S Microbiology br January 1973 University of Miami Coral Gables Florida Ph D Microbiology