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Forest Ecosystems: Analysis at Multiple Scales Book
This book provides new methods of analysis by introducing new techniques to explore the changes in climatic cycles, the implications of wide-scale pollution, fire and other ecological disturbances that have a global effect on all life forms. It provides the reader with almost 40 percent new material in an attempt to organize principles and provide examples for expanding the horizon of ecosystem analyses. It also defines terms and explains concepts in a variety of ways by providing models, equations, graphs, and tabular examples. To help facilitate analysis, the book includes a CD-ROM with additional illustrations and Forest BGC software. * Additional coverage of regional and global scaling issues* New chapters on ecosystem modeling, remote sensing and monitoring of atmospheric chemistry added* Includes a CD-ROM with additional illustrations and Forest BGC SoftwareRead More
from£75.58 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.50
- 0127354433
- 9780127354439
- Richard H. Waring B.S. 1957 Forestry University of Minnesota St. Paul MN
M.S. 1959 Forestry (Botany) University of Minnesota
Ph.D. 1963 Botany (Soils) University of California Berkeley, Steven W. Running - 17 April 1998
- Academic Press
- Hardcover (Book)
- 370
- 2
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