Jonathan B L Bard
Showing 1 to 25 for Jonathan B L Bard
The Anatomical Basis of Mouse Development Academic Press Hardcover 10 March 1999 from£115.38 | RRP:
£115 -
Morphogenesis: The Cellular and Molecular Processes of Developmental Anatomy (Developmental and Cell Biology Series) Cambridge University Press Hardcover 10 May 1990 from£114.60 | RRP:
£80 -
Introduction to Operations Research John Wiley & Sons Hardcover 18 March 2003 from£56.63 | RRP:
£39.95 -
Operations Research Models and Methods: World Student Edition John Wiley & Sons Paperback 18 October 2002 from£87.04 | RRP:
£48.99 -
Project Management: Engineering, Technology and Implementation (Prentice Hall International Series in Industrial & Systems Engineering) Prentice Hall Hardcover 28 March 1994 from£34.08 | RRP:
£33.99 -
Project Management: Processes, Methodologies, and Economics (Prentice-Hall International Series in Industrial & Systems Engineering) Prentice Hall Paperback 20 October 2004 from£95.63 | RRP:
£49.99 -
How Language Comes to Children: From Birth to Two Years (Bradford Book) MIT Press Paperback 20 June 2001 from£24.35 | RRP:
£17.95 -
Teaching in Further Education: An Outline of Principles and Practice Bloomsbury Academic Paperback 7 November 2013 from£31.99 | RRP:
£24.99 -
Resource Selection by Animals: Statistical Design and Analysis for Field Studies Springer Hardcover 30 June 2002 from£137.45 | RRP:
£67.99 -
Doctor's Wife Paperback 1 October 1968 from£N/A | RRP:
£0.25 -
Lunch In Paris: A Delicious Love Story, with Recipes Summersdale Paperback 4 July 2011 from£9.09 | RRP:
£8.99 -
London's Lost Battlefields Fonthill Media Paperback 7 October 2013 from£11.85 | RRP:
£14.99 -
Lawmen and Outlaws: The Wild, Wild West (High Interest Books: Trailblazers of the West) Children's Press(CT) Library Binding 1 September 2005 from£25.79 | RRP:
£16.26 -
Ada Essentials: Overview, Examples and Glossary (Learnada, Vol. 1) Trafford Publishing Paperback 19 June 2000 from£22.41 | RRP:
£16.6 -
Lunch in Paris Little Brown and Company Hardcover 1 February 2010 from£N/A | RRP:
£15.58 -
The Channel Islands at War: A Dark History Amberley Publishing Paperback 15 May 2014 from£12.39 | RRP:
£14.99 -
Will Israel Survive? Palgrave MacMillan Paperback 22 July 2008 from£13.20 | RRP:
£10.14 -
Parable of the Tribes: Problem of Power in Social Evolution Houghton Mifflin Paperback 1 April 1990 from£N/A | RRP:
£7.95 -
Algebraic Cryptanalysis Springer Hardcover 28 August 2009 from£N/A | RRP:
£90 -
Briefly Told Lives Saint Martin's Press Inc. Hardcover 29 September 2000 from£22.93 | RRP:
£16.99 -
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Middle East Conflict Prentice Hall Paperback 1 January 2000 from£17.53 | RRP:
£ -
1001 Facts Everyone Should Know About Israel Rowman & Littlefield Paperback 28 November 2005 from£31.85 | RRP:
£18.95 -
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I), Clinician Version, Administration Booklet American Psychiatric Publishing Paperback 7 June 2012 from£70.20 | RRP:
£52 -
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders: Clinician Version (SCID-CV): User's Guide American Psychiatric Press Inc. Paperback 30 November 1996 from£48.10 | RRP:
£48 -
Improbable Destinies: Fate, Chance, and the Future of Evolution Penguin Publishing Group Paperback 7 August 2018 from£18.66 | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for Jonathan B L Bard