Richard H Waring b B S b 1957 Forestry University of Minnesota St Paul MN br b M S b 1959 Forestry Botany University of Minnesota br b Ph D b 1963 Botany Soils University of California Berkeley

Showing 1 to 25 for Richard H Waring b B S b 1957 Forestry University of Minnesota St Paul MN br b M S b 1959 Forestry Botany University of Minnesota br b Ph D b 1963 Botany Soils University of California Berkeley
  • Forest Ecosystems: Analysis at Multiple Scales Forest Ecosystems: Analysis at Multiple Scales by Richard H. Waring B.S. 1957 Forestry University of Minnesota St. Paul MN
    M.S. 1959 Forestry (Botany) University of Minnesota
    Ph.D. 1963 Botany (Soils) University of California Berkeley
    ,Steven W. Running
    Academic Press Hardcover 17 April 1998 from£75.58 | RRP: £55.99
  • Forest Ecosystems: Analysis at Multiple Scales Forest Ecosystems: Analysis at Multiple Scales by Richard H. Waring B.S. 1957 Forestry University of Minnesota St. Paul MN
    M.S. 1959 Forestry (Botany) University of Minnesota
    Ph.D. 1963 Botany (Soils) University of California Berkeley
    ,Steven W. Running
    Academic Press Paperback 10 September 2007 from£54.28 | RRP: £47.99
  • Riparia: Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Streamside Communities (Aquatic Ecology) Riparia: Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Streamside Communities (Aquatic Ecology) by Robert J. Naiman - B.S. (1969) California State Polytechnic University
    - M.A. (1971) University of California Los Angeles
    - Ph.D. (1974) Arizona State University
    ,Henri Decamps,Michael E. McClain
    Academic Press Hardcover 24 June 2005 from£75.97 | RRP: £61.99
  • Clinical Engineering Handbook (Biomedical Engineering) Clinical Engineering Handbook (Biomedical Engineering) by Joseph Dyro B.S. Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    M.S. and Ph.D. Biomedical Electronics Engineering University of Pennsylvania
    Academic Press Hardcover 15 September 2004 from£135.00 | RRP: £100
  • Environmental Monitoring and Characterization Environmental Monitoring and Characterization by Janick Artiola,Ian L. Pepper - University of Birmingham B.Sc. in Chemistry 1970
    - Ohio State University M.S. in Soil Biochemistry 1972
    - Ohio State University Ph.D. in SOil Microbiology 1975 Professor
    ,Mark L. Brusseau Professor
    Academic Press Hardcover 2 July 2004 from£57.59 | RRP: £57.99
  • Environmental Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual Environmental Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual by Ian L. Pepper - University of Birmingham B.Sc. in Chemistry 1970
    - Ohio State University M.S. in Soil Biochemistry 1972
    - Ohio State University Ph.D. in SOil Microbiology 1975 Professor
    ,Charles P. Gerba - June 1969: Arizona State University Tempe Arizona B.S. Microbiology
    - January 1973: University of Miami Coral Gables Florida Ph.D. Microbiology
    Academic Press Paperback 21 January 2005 from£32.99 | RRP: £30.99
  • Environmental and Pollution Science Environmental and Pollution Science by Ian L. Pepper - University of Birmingham B.Sc. in Chemistry 1970
    - Ohio State University M.S. in Soil Biochemistry 1972
    - Ohio State University Ph.D. in SOil Microbiology 1975 Professor
    ,Charles P. Gerba - June 1969: Arizona State University Tempe Arizona B.S. Microbiology
    - January 1973: University of Miami Coral Gables Florida Ph.D. Microbiology
    ,Mark L. Brusseau Professor
    Academic Press Hardcover 19 May 2006 from£N/A | RRP: £62.99
  • Environmental Microbiology Environmental Microbiology by Raina M. Maier,Ian L. Pepper - University of Birmingham B.Sc. in Chemistry 1970
    - Ohio State University M.S. in Soil Biochemistry 1972
    - Ohio State University Ph.D. in SOil Microbiology 1975 Professor
    ,Charles P. Gerba - June 1969: Arizona State University Tempe Arizona B.S. Microbiology
    - January 1973: University of Miami Coral Gables Florida Ph.D. Microbiology
    Academic Press Hardcover 2 March 2000 from£48.57 | RRP: £80
  • Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) by Andrew Gelman,John B. Carlin,Hal S. Stern,David B. Dunson,Aki Vehtari,Donald B. Rubin Chapman and Hall/CRC Hardcover 5 November 2013 from£42.99 | RRP: £44.99
  • The Periodontal Ligament in Health and Disease The Periodontal Ligament in Health and Disease by B.K.B. Berkovitz,B.J. Moxham,H.N. Newman Mosby Hardcover 1 June 1995 from£216.00 | RRP: £160
  • The Fortress of Buhen: Inscriptions (Excavations at Buhen) The Fortress of Buhen: Inscriptions (Excavations at Buhen) by Henry Sidney Smith,W.B. Emery,B. J. Kemp,Geoffrey Thorndike Martin,D.B. O'Connor Egypt Exploration Society Hardcover 3 July 1980 from£67.50 | RRP: £2
  • Introduction to the Theories of Learning Introduction to the Theories of Learning by Matthew Olson,B.R. Hergenhahn Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Pearson Education Paperback 18 April 2008 from£97.18 | RRP: £59.99
  • An Introduction to Theories of Learning An Introduction to Theories of Learning by B.R. Hergenhahn Ph.D. Professor Emeritus,Matthew Olson Pearson Education Hardcover 19 June 2000 from£36.99 | RRP: £36.99
  • An Introduction to Theories of Personality (International Edition) An Introduction to Theories of Personality (International Edition) by B.R. Hergenhahn Ph.D. Professor Emeritus,Matthew Olson Pearson Education Paperback 1 May 2003 from£55.33 | RRP: £37.99
  • Introduction to the Theories of Learning Introduction to the Theories of Learning by Matthew Olson,B.R. Hergenhahn Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Pearson Education Hardcover 11 April 2008 from£46.16 | RRP: £62.99
  • An Introduction to Theories of Learning An Introduction to Theories of Learning by B.R. Hergenhahn Ph.D. Professor Emeritus,Matthew Olson Pearson Education Hardcover 25 July 1996 from£44.53 | RRP: £32.99
  • An Introduction to Theories of Personality An Introduction to Theories of Personality by B.R. Hergenhahn Ph.D. Professor Emeritus,Matthew Olson Pearson Education Hardcover 24 July 1998 from£45.88 | RRP: £33.99
  • An Introduction to Theories of Personality An Introduction to Theories of Personality by B.R. Hergenhahn Ph.D. Professor Emeritus,Matthew Olson Pearson Education Paperback 6 February 2006 from£76.93 | RRP: £56.99
  • Kirtan - Chanting Names (+CD) Kirtan - Chanting Names (+CD) by B B Bodhyan,Swami B B Bodhayan Mandala Publishing Group Hardcover 1 November 2002 from£12.99 | RRP: £13.99
  • Oral Anatomy, Histology & Embryology Oral Anatomy, Histology & Embryology by B.K.B. Berkovitz,G.R. Holland,B.J. Moxham Mosby Paperback 25 July 2002 from£79.63 | RRP: £58.99
  • A Colour Atlas and Textbook of Oral Anatomy A Colour Atlas and Textbook of Oral Anatomy by B.K.B. Berkovitz,G. R. Holland,B.J. Moxham Mosby Hardcover 1 March 1978 from£79.65 | RRP: £59
  • Electric Power Systems Electric Power Systems by B. M. Weedy,B. J. Cory,N. Jenkins,J. B. Ekanayake,G. Strbac Wiley-Blackwell Hardcover 10 August 2012 from£48.55 | RRP: £48.5
  • Biomedical Engineering Desk Reference Biomedical Engineering Desk Reference by Buddy D. Ratner,Allan S. Hoffman,Frederick J. Schoen,Jack E. Lemons,Joseph Dyro B.S. Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    M.S. and Ph.D. Biomedical Electronics Engineering University of Pennsylvania
    ,Orjan G. Martinsen,Richard Kyle,Bernhard Preim,Dirk Bartz,Sverre Grimnes,Daniel Vallero Dr. Vallero holds a Ph.D. in engineering from Duke University a Masters in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of Kansas a Masters in City and Regional Planning from Southern Illinois University and a Bachelors in the Earth Sciences and Psychology from SIU.,John Semmlow,W. Bosseau Murray,Reinaldo Perez,Isaac Bankman,Stanley Dunn,Yoshito Ikada,Prabhas V. Moghe,Alkis Constantinides
    Academic Press Hardcover 16 February 2009 from£48.21 | RRP: £60.99
  • Counterexamples in Analysis. Dover. 2003. (Dover Books on Mathematics) Counterexamples in Analysis. Dover. 2003. (Dover Books on Mathematics) by B. R. Gelbaum,J. M. H. Olmsted Dover Publications Inc. Paperback 12 May 2003 from£N/A | RRP: £13.5
  • The Infratemporal Fossa The Infratemporal Fossa by B.K.B. Berkovitz,J.D. Langdon,B.J. Moxham Taylor & Francis Ltd Hardcover 5 December 2002 from£154.98 | RRP: £190
Showing 1 to 25 for Richard H Waring b B S b 1957 Forestry University of Minnesota St Paul MN br b M S b 1959 Forestry Botany University of Minnesota br b Ph D b 1963 Botany Soils University of California Berkeley