Dissident Geographies: An Introduction to Radical Ideas and Practice Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Dissident Geographies: An Introduction to Radical Ideas and Practice Book

Dissident Geographies is an accessible and lively exploration of radical perspectives in human geography. The perspectives examined in the book reveal and resist certain power relations that have constituted geographical knowledge. The book has two main aims. First, rather than reify 'the' geographical tradition, Dissident Geographies introduces a number of geographical traditions that challenge and destabilize what counts as geographical knowledge. Second, the book shows how the production of geographical knowledge is tied to politics and struggles outside as well as within the academy. In each chapter, case studies illustrate the spatiality of political practice and the politics of geographical thought. In this way Dissident Geographies reveals the connections between power, politics and geographical knowledge.Read More

from£28.65 | RRP: £35.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.92
  • 0582294894
  • 9780582294899
  • Dr Alison Blunt, Dr Jane Wills
  • 13 January 2000
  • Longman
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 224
  • 1
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