Myths of Greece and Rome: Narrated With Special Reference to Literature and Art (Classic Reprint) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Myths of Greece and Rome: Narrated With Special Reference to Literature and Art (Classic Reprint) Book

MYTHS OF GREECE AND ROME. CHAPTER THE REGIN~JNG OF ALL THIXGS. l/iYTHOLOGY is the science which treats of the early traditions, or myths, relating to the religion of the ancients, and includes, hesides a fuJi account of the origin of their gods, their theory concerning the beginning of all things. Among all the nations scattered over the face of the earth, the Hebrews alone were instructed by God, who gave them nor only a full account of the creation of the world and of Myths of all living creatures, hut abo a code of laws to reg- creation. ulate their conduct. 11 the questions they fain would ask. were fully answered, and no room remained for conjecture. rt was not so, however, with the other nations. The Creeks and Romans, for instance, lacking the definite knowledge which ,ye obtain from the Scriptures, anel still anxious to know everything, were forced to invent, in part, their own theory. As they looked about them for some clew to serve as guide, they couldTable of Contents CONTENTS; :LP SHO"L~G LOCATIO:' OF ~1'TIIS; LIST OF J I,LUSTJATJONS; CITAP 1 Till:: nt:CIX~I:-;G o}-' -LL TlllXCS ?; 11 J UI'ITEItl> I'ROSy"JlP]~A; XV VESTA; XVI JA~'t:S ?; XVII SO~':XU5 A:"1l MOKS; XVI II IEo1US; X r x II FRCCU:S; XX PEkS£l'S; XXI THf:srws; XX 11 J ASO" ?; XXI II THF CALY))O;'IA:" Bt:XT; X:XJ' Read More

from£14.22 | RRP: £9.34
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £804.55
  • 1440051941
  • 9781440051944
  • H. A. Guerber
  • 2 April 2010
  • Forgotten Books
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 434
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