One on One with Tony Little: A Complete 28-Day Body Sculpting and Weight Loss Program Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

One on One with Tony Little: A Complete 28-Day Body Sculpting and Weight Loss Program Book

Tony Little is America's most recognized and award-winning physical fitness specialist and trainer. With this step-by-step, one-on-one body sculpting and weight-loss program, Tony provides the nutrition guides, exercise regimes, and motivation needed to see visible results fast. For the millions of people who want to get in shape for spring and summer, this is the book-and the man-that can do it for them. Includes: ? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recommendations-what to enjoy and what to avoid ? Cardiovascular exercises ? Specialized upper- and lower-body exercises to rev your metabolism for 24-hour calorie burning ?Resistance exercises that improve tone and shape ?Exercises for home or gym ?Simple suggestions for better work-out results and motivation ?Energizing nutrition tips ?Personal success stories of people who have achieved the Tony Little dreamRead More

from£29.76 | RRP: £16.83
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £13.73
  • 0399529217
  • 9780399529214
  • Tony Little
  • 1 December 2003
  • Perigee Books
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 352
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