Preparing Fish & Wild Game: The Complete Photo Guide to Cleaning and Cooking your Wild Harvest Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Preparing Fish & Wild Game: The Complete Photo Guide to Cleaning and Cooking your Wild Harvest Book

It's one thing to return from a productive foray to the field or stream, but it's something else to know what to do with the bounty you've lugged back with you. Regardless of your culinary skills, Preparing Fish & Wild Game will beguile you into bringing sport to the kitchen as it painlessly turns cooking what you've caught into as exciting an experience as taking it was in the first place. With more than 100 recipes for fish (Hot and Sour Bass Soup; Lemon-Cucumber Stuffed Trout), big game (Moose Meatballs with Cranberry Barbecue Sauce; Venison Satay with Spicy Peanut Sauce), small game (Sour Cream Rabbit with Herbs; Sherried Squirrel), and birds of all feathers (Sautéed Wood Duck with Balsamic-Date Sauce; Wild Turkey Picatta with Morels; Partridge and Hazelnut Salad), this read more...
from£21.58 | RRP: £15.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.22
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