The Consultant's Big Book of Reproducible Surveys and Questionnaires: 50 Instruments to Help You Assess and Diagnose Client Needs (Consultant's Big Book Series) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

The Consultant's Big Book of Reproducible Surveys and Questionnaires: 50 Instruments to Help You Assess and Diagnose Client Needs (Consultant's Big Book Series) Book

Includes ready-to-use assessment tools for gathering valuable client data. This title contains 50 easy-to-use diagnostic tools designed by consultants to provide you with insights about what your client needs. It features: easy-to-use surveys and questionnaires; scoring instructions; overviews questions for follow-up discussion and more.Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £26.99
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  • Product Description

    The Consultant's Big Book of Reproducible Surveys and Questionnaires is a value-packed collection of 50 easy-to-use diagnostic tools consultants can use to collect data from their clients, quickly make needs assessments, and offer diagnoses. Never before has such a comprehensive, user-friendly collection of surveys and questionnaires been available to consultants.

    Mel Silberman, Ph.D., is a bestselling author, speaker, and consulting psychologist known internationally as a pioneer in the areas of interpersonal intelligence, active learning, and facilitation/ consultation. Dr. Silberman is the president of Active Training, a provider of products, seminars, and publications.

  • 0071408827
  • 9780071408820
  • Mel Silberman
  • 1 December 2002
  • McGraw-Hill Professional
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 300
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